Mitigations Proposals

AILAC Submission on Workstream 2– Enhancing pre‐2020 Mitigation Ambition


Submission WS2

Following the invitation from the ADP to Parties to make submissions with information, views and proposals on the work of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform (ADP), AILAC presents this submission in order to advance the discussions under the ADP.

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AILAC Submission UFI and Ex Ante Assesment ADP


ADP 092014Submission on the ex-ante information requirements for the communication of INDCs and ex-ante assessment process.

AILAC presents its views on the ex-ante information requirements for the communication of INDCs in three main sections: A) General considerations on the nature of INDCs; B) Specific ex-ante information requirements for INDCs to be included in a decision of the COP20 in Lima; and C) Process for the ex-ante assessment of the INDCs.

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