Finance and Means of Implementation




To support Developing Countries to undertake their Mitigation [link to Mitigation section] and Adaptation [link to Adaptation section] activities, Developed Countries have committed to provide Climate Finance. This is mainly channeled through the Financial Mechanism of the Convention, and its Operating Entities: the Global Environment Fund (GEF) and the new Green Climate Fund (GCF). Furthermore, other climate funds have been created, some associated with the Convention (such as the Adaptation Fund) , and others administered by other multilateral and bilateral agencies.




Another important Mean of Implementation is the provision of technology, through the transfer and development of technology. The Technology Mechanism established in Cancun (2010) seeks to promote the development and transfer of technology through: public-private partnerships; promoting innovation; mapping and use of technology action plans; meeting the demands of developing countries in the field; and facilitating joint research and development activities. The TM consists of the Technology Executive Committee (TEC) and the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN).

Capacity Building



Capacity building seeks to enable developing countries to carry out the activities of Mitigation, Adaptation, Technology Transfer and others that contribute to the objective of the Convention. In 2001 frameworks were adopted to guide the work of capacity building. In 2010, the Durban Forum on Capacity Building was created. A Portal on Capacity Building has been developed.

About Finance and Means of Implementation


