Documentos de Adaptación

Hemos recopilado documentos publicados por otras organizaciones y expertos, que consideramos de interés sobre el tema particular.

pruebafAdaptation Institutional capacity of WRI

This report introduces the National Adaptive Capacity (NAC) framework, a tool to help governments bring institutional capacity development into their adaptation planning processes.  The NAC framework provides a practical approach for understanding the institutional aspects of adaptive capacity.


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This Working Paper summarises lessons from the learning programme. It draws on rich insights from the work of partner organizations that CDKN has supported to promote climate compatible development at the subnational level across Africa, Asia and Latin America. It also complements the previous CDKN Working Paper ‘Drivers and Challenges for Climate Compatible Development.

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Decisionmaking Framework ShapingClimateResilentDev of ECA

The aim of this report is to provide decision-makers with a systematic way of answering these questions. Focusing specifically on the economic aspects of adaptation, it outlines a fact-based risk management approach that national and local leaders can use to understand the impact of climate on their economies – and identify actions to minimize that impact at the lowest cost to society.

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Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change into National Policy

Mainstreaming climate change adaptation involves systematically assessing and incorporating information and measures related to climate risks and vulnerabilities into development policies, plans, institutions, programs and projects (OECD, 2009; SPC & GTZ, 2010).


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This paper explores how various organizations and practitioners have approached the design and use of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) tools to record results and assess ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) projects and programs.

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This report focuses on the significant progress made by insurers to develop these new products and services. It identifies 422 real-world examples from 190 insurers, reinsurers, brokers and insurance organizations from 26 countries.

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SREX IPCC Aprendizajes-del-Informe-Especial para -ALC

Este informe considera los efectos del cambio climático sobre los eventos extremos, los desastres, y la gestión del riesgo de desastre (GRD). Examina la manera en que los eventos climáticos extremos, los factores humanos y el ambiente natural interactúan para condicionar los impactos de los desastres y las opciones para la gestión del riesgo y la adaptación.


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The report considered the role of development in exposure and vulnerability, the implications for disaster risk and disaster risk reduction (DRM), and the interactions between extreme events, extreme impacts, and  development. It examined how human responses to extreme events and disasters could contribute to adaptation objectives, and how adaptation to climate change could become better integrated with DRM practice.



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Toolkit adaptation initiatives of UNDP

The material presented draws from UNDP experiences supporting countries at the national, sub-national, and community levels with the design of adaptation initiatives. It also captures key lessons and findings of other organizations on similar issues.


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WaterAdaptation Financial_Issues

The material presented draws from UNDP experiences supporting countries at the national, sub-national, and community levels with the design of adaptation initiatives. It also captures key lessons and findings of other organizations on similar issues.

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